What The Son-of-A!
In the spirit of Brit Spears, I just don't feel good y'all.
Since Tuesday I have had a headache, been nauseated, had no energy, my vision isn't all that great and I can't think clearly. Anyone else have a case of Jones-itis?
Since Tuesday I have had a headache, been nauseated, had no energy, my vision isn't all that great and I can't think clearly. Anyone else have a case of Jones-itis?
Maybe you caught something from that drawer of 30 year old socks that you wrote about in your last post.
Oh no. What if you have sock fevah?
I gotta fevah....
and the only cure is....
(a visit to peep!!!)
Maybe you have a case of the Monday's which just hung on.
if that's the case, it's sunday night, I should be very very worried!
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