mercredi, mai 24, 2006

Must.... Stay.... Focused....

My goal this evening is to throw the American Idol vote. Oh yes, I plan to make votes based upon who's prettiest or cutest or whatever.

I want to cancel out the vote of someone who like totally means it and has like watched all season and stuff and has even, you know, dreamed of this evening just so they could vote and all.

Best yet? I'm gonna call from three different phone numbers. Granted, all the phone numbers actually exist and unfortunately they all belong to me... I'm sure I could get out there and steal a cell phone or two and make calls on behalf of other people....

But the bastards. They bought out Burt Bacharach. THEN thier asses bought out Dionne Warwick and she sounded infuckingcredible.

They're on to me....

h/t to Jay Weber!

(and yes, Jay, the hunting photo is great)

UPDATE: Clearly, I don't understand the system of American Idol and how it works. You know, there are a lot of people that do though. Had this not been a Test but a Real Election..... well, you get my drift.....


Blogger Nick said...

And just so you know for November...

It's Super Tuesday, not Super Wednesday. ;)

8:22 AM, mai 25, 2006  
Blogger Jane Bellwether said...

You're bitter and calculating. I like that.

1:27 PM, mai 25, 2006  
Blogger Phelony Jones said...

TB, it's a very potent combination: Bitter and Calculating.... plus the Battle Between Good And Evil, a.k.a Estrogen v. Progesterone...and it's best to grab a seat and pick a side to cheer for!!!!

And Nick, you're hired.

2:58 PM, mai 25, 2006  
Blogger mavprops said...

sorry, I was too busy watching the lost finale.

3:06 PM, mai 25, 2006  
Blogger Phelony Jones said...

Mav, you are so not like a true American. I mean, those people are like not showered and all.

6:55 PM, mai 25, 2006  

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