lundi, juillet 17, 2006

What's A Family To Do?

This is a bit of a favor to someone I work with, but I know that blogosphere readers and participants would have some info that they can share regarding a problem that she is having.

Jane, we'll call her, moved to the area about three years ago. At the time, her children were younger - barely out of diapers. Not too much venturing out with the family to local events. But now, they're a little older, I believe they are six years old or younger. Jane's originally from Canada and lived in Connecticut and Denver. There, she went do different events - festivals, community events, music events...places a family could take their children and it was pretty safe.

She lives in Delafield Hartford, and has been trying to find some decent family events to attend. Now, she's been to a few events this year, and has been really disappointed. All of the events have been in Waukesha, Sussex, etc. and not late at night, either.

What she's witnessed, in the presence of her children, has been crass and dangerous. The last event she went to in Sussex treated her and her family to the visual of the cops dragging a man out of a crowd in broad daylight - yes - dragging. It took four officers to subdue the man who was face down. They were surrounded by more drunk men who appeared ready to join in. Jane can smell a rat, she looked at her husband and said, we have to get the kids out of here now before this gets bad.

This was Sussex.

Her daughter said: "Mommy, did that man say a bad word?"

That's sad.

The problem she continues to encounter is that conditions of every event are either unsafe, unsanitary, unruly, or frankly soaked with beer. She'd like to be somewhere that she can be with the kids, take chairs along, watch some music, be around families, and not any of the above.

I thought of our blogger was a nice time where everyone was enjoying themselves like adults. And many of you have families. Where do you take your families so that you can just enjoy an event? Without all of this? Especially in the Waukesha/Washington/Dodge Cty areas.

I will change my settings to allow anonymous comments.

What I kindly ask you for is comments on where to and where not to go. If it's a good family event, please elaborate a little on why.

We know what bad looks like - no need to add anything there - but any recommendations will be very appreciated.



Blogger Chris said...

ok first she needs to stay away from any place with a beer tent.

I have a few ideas for her all really close the Oconomowoc American Legion actually has a very large band/orchestra which plays free concerts at the oconomowoc band stand. very family friendly I dont even think they sell beer its right out of pleasantville.

They also have music concerts all the time and even a movie night it its very family friendly

Have your friend email me I will stop by the Oconomowoc park and rec tomorrow and get the schedule of events for the rest of the summer.

They also have art gallery nights a taste of Oconomowoc. I know I sound like a Coony cheerleader but there is a reason I live in Pleasantville plus with her being in Delafield its close.

The Waukesha county fair is this weekend we take the kids there but we go during the day and stay away from the beer tents they have tons of animals and there is tons of stuff to do with the kids. ride etc

Like I said have her email me we will get them hooked up

7:48 PM, juillet 17, 2006  
Blogger Chris said...

Oh another idea that is very fun and retro there is a working Drive in movie theather in Jefferson its great like something out of the 50's we and our friends take the kids all the time.

they usually play the kid movie first then the adult one usually nothing stronger than pg-13 but even if you only stay for one movie its worth the price.

To be honest we rarely make the second movie lol

see what you have started PJ chris the social director is on the case.

7:55 PM, juillet 17, 2006  
Blogger Kate said...

The Waupun Fine Arts (Dodge County) has a summer concert series every Thursday night at 7 in July which is totally family oriented. No beer at all. The park is on South Madison St. This Thursday will be the Mayville Steel Drum Band. Next week, the 27th, will be Turtle Creek, my husband's bluegrass band. And quite good too, if I do say so myself. :) Bring lawn chairs!

We work a booth at the Fond du Lac County Fair too, which is this weekend, and I've never seen any trouble going on. That doesn't mean it doesn't, I just don't see it. They do however, sell beer. I've never been there at night though, so I'm no expert.

12:28 AM, juillet 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

We live in West Bend, and we do lots of family type things (our 4 kids range in age from 4-10).

Tomorrow night in West Bend, there will be Germanfest. It's at Regner Park, 100 acres of park-y goodness.

The West Bend Park and Rec Department has ads in their Summer Activities book for that type of thing. Germanfest is the only one I can think of offhand, but there are several events around here throughout the summer. She could check the calendar of events pages on the Washington County website and the West Bend city website.

If they are into walking or bike riding, they can ride on the Ice Age Trail or the new Eisenbahn. There are always people walking and riding along there, it's always easy to meet someone new.

I've also found that the libraries have all kinds of pamphlets and stuff available to give you ideas about what is going on.

There are always church picnics going on in July. Many of them are open to the public. Very little cussing, and except for the Catholics (who serve alcohol), no drunks. ;-)


6:05 PM, juillet 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Oh! And definitely come to the Washington County Fair. Check out the website. Better yet, the Ozaukee County Fair has free admission (at least it did last year, I think).


6:09 PM, juillet 18, 2006  
Blogger Phelony Jones said...

Hi everyone - thank you so much for all of this information - I think that I will pass it on to other families that I know of as well. And really, I wouldn't mind taking a friend or two to a non-drinkfest/normal people event. This is great great stuff.

The post is still open - comments will remain welcome on this post!

7:21 PM, juillet 18, 2006  

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