mercredi, août 30, 2006

The SHUT UP Files

The Early Spin had a nice little feature this morning. The question was this: who irritates you to the point where the person can't even open their mouth to speak before it irritates you.

Some examples were Oprah, Rosie, Uncle Teddy the Swimmer...

I tried and tried to get through on the lines but I just got that delayed "all of our circuits are busy" message. Let me tell you I was ready. Sweaty palms, and all...

WHY didn't anyone call in and say Jim Doyle?

Or Russie Feingold?

I can barely make it through watching them inflate their lungs to speak.


Blogger Kate said...

We've all got a list of people who irritate the bejabbers out of us. I've got a list that includes Doyle and Feingold. It also includes the infamous "Bob, the boinker", Kofi Annan, Al Franken, etc. Recently added to my list.... my sister in law! :)

11:11 AM, août 31, 2006  
Blogger The Badgerland Conservative said...

I think Hitlary belongs on there too.

12:15 PM, août 31, 2006  
Blogger sliverthetomcat said...

Let's start the "Put a Damn Sock In It" files.

12:24 PM, août 31, 2006  
Blogger sliverthetomcat said...

Yes, my first nominee for the "Put A Damn Sock In It Files" is Paris Hilton.

I have endured her interviews, television shows, magazine covers but now she has taken it too far.

Yes, Paris Hilton has put out an "album". shiver

6:48 AM, septembre 01, 2006  

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