A Carnival Under the Weather...
It won't be rained out, but I have strep which is a slight inconvenience. It's not really 4:19 p.m. but about 11:19 p.m. I've never had strep before in all my 35 years and let me just say I am surprised at the symptoms. Really, being able to keep something down right now would, in a word, rock.
Your first case of strep? I've had it 8 or 10 times in my 30 years. The older I got the harder it seems to hit me. I hate it. I hope you feel better soon.
I haven't had it since I was in grade school.
Text me or msg me if you need something.
Damn. Get well soon.
Thanks all... no I've never had this before. I have such good timing...
Eeks I fear that I am to blame for Ms. Jones being ill. We work together and I had strep throat a couple of weeks ago.
I am so sorry little Phel!
I sure hope you are feeling better soon! Being sick sucks! Although, the weather has been good for it...all rainy and nasty and such! Crawl in bed, drink tea, honey, and bourbon.... sleep! :)
See, Nick had the perfect comment.
Where do we find more guys like you Nick?
Awwww, hope you are feeling better soon.
Sometime I'll tell you my little story about my sister and I passing strep to each other for a few months.
Get well soon (even if you're stuck trying to swallow some big pills).
What was my perfect comment?
As far as more of me... well... not to be cliche... but they really did break the mold with me. I mean really... can you imagine the shambles this world would be in for there were even 2 of me?
I have a feeling that the world would be a kinder place if there were two Nick's running about.
Two Nick's would certainly mean a lot more running (and swimming and biking).
Thank you for all the get-well wishes everyone, I appreciate it!
Still sniffling, sneezing, coughing and aching however, it's a lot less noticeable under the right cough syrup conditions :)
You're going to eat rocks?
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