lundi, février 12, 2007

Aren't You Glad You're You?

This is a fabulous, wonderful song. Best sung by Frank Sinatra when he performed with Tommy Dorsey.

Every time you're near a rose
Aren't you glad you've got a nose
And if the dawn is fresh with dew
Aren't you glad you're you

When a meadowlark appears
Aren't you glad you've got two ears
And if your heart is singin' too
Aren't you glad you're you

You can see a summer sky
Or touch a friendly hand
Or taste an apple pie
Pardon the grammar, but ain't life grand?

And when you wake up each morn,
Aren't you glad that you were born?
Think what you've got the whole day through,
Aren't you glad you're you?


Blogger GOPackers said...

Aren't the "V-discs" great?

9:26 AM, février 12, 2007  

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