jeudi, août 09, 2007

La Sergerista

I bought her home last night like a new arrival. She's adopted, as in second hand from the wonderful Frank's Sewing Center in Waukesha. Great service there, btw.

Carried her over the threshold... set her down on the table where I do my serging... I can't wait to start using it. There will be a learning curve, as it took me about an hour to thread the lower looper. Surely there are easier ways of doing this but I can't wrap my mind around them yet.

Ah, my kingdom for a threaded serger!


Anonymous Anonyme said...

Looks like some kind of strange ancient torture device.

11:11 AM, août 09, 2007  
Blogger Phelony Jones said...

except that it makes rolled hems without changing the plate

8:36 PM, août 09, 2007  

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