How Long Before Rush Limbaugh is Blamed for Obama's Incompetence and Eventual Failure?
You heard it here first. You know it's coming: If Rush hadn't said he hoped Obama would fail, well maybe all of this wouldn't have happened.
And to that I would say, if your guy fails because of some big bad words, then shame on you for putting him there.
And to that I would say, if your guy fails because of some big bad words, then shame on you for putting him there.
It kind of reminds me of when roseindigo over at Fred's told me that the Iraq war was going badly because of liberals.
0bama will fail because he's inept. Of course, he'll blame everyone else. The honeymoon is over. Hope you like paying taxes, Scotty.
It's very simple, Scott. Liberals don't follow logic, only what they want to hear. So this is perfect for them. You're welcome!!!!
Phel...don't argue with will only lower your IQ. He's a moron libtard. Trust me.
They'll blame talk radio, pass the (un)Fairness Doctrine, then go after the bloggers.
Scott: You're a moron as usual. Leftists gave treasonous aid and comfort to the enemy. But the war is essentially won now in spite of you.
Whoa whoa whoa, let's be civil gentlemen. Scott and I disagree on politics but we do happen to be friends! Now, back to our regularly scheduled comments on the situation.
Hugs, Phel.
They'll blame talk radio, pass the (un)Fairness Doctrine, then go after the bloggers.
And he'll still fail. Funny how that works.
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