mercredi, mars 04, 2009

Defending the American Dream Summit

Still on the fence about whether I'm going. I'm concerned that they're putting too many speakers in the general session and that we won't hear enough from people like Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, and others. In looking at the afternoon sessions...well...I'm not sure either. I wish there was more about the future of gun owner's rights and concealed carry in WI.

$36 is a lot for me to spring right now given the circumstances.


Blogger Dad29 said...

Better to spend the $36.00 on ammo.

The show's broadcast costs nothing, right?

10:29 AM, mars 04, 2009  
Blogger Paul - Berry Laker said...

If you go ,you could always ask J B Van Hollen. Oh, I just checked the speakers list and he isn't confirmed to speak. I can't make it this year but it would of been worth it to see if he would of brought up or would someone have asked him about our gun rights. Pity, he's an empty suit anyway.

Have A GREAT week

4:01 PM, mars 04, 2009  

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