mercredi, mars 11, 2009

Obama: A Loser Held Up To The Light

It's rare that I will republish an entire post, but I came across something today that bears repeating, if not sharing with many. From Vir Speluncae Catholicus:

(To my lefty readers: try being as open minded as you espouse, for once)

My good goomba Al, over at Is Anybody There? had an interesting comment on one of my recent posts. In reference to Obama "being too tired" to properly greet the British PM, Al got me thinking.

What if the Marines... from the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli, with stop overs at Belleau Wood, Iwo Jima, the Chosin Reservoir and Fallujah... had said they were tired, faced exhaustion and felt overwhelmed?

What if the Navy... from the deck of the Bonhomme Richard, to Manila Bay, to Midway, to Yankee Station... had said they were tired, faced exhaustion and felt overwhelmed?

What if the Army... from Valley Forge, to Gettysburg, to Normandy, to the Ia Drang Valley... had said they were tired, faced exhaustion and felt overwhelmed?

What if the Air Force (Corps)... from the skies of Europe in two World Wars, to MiG Alley, to Desert Storm... had said they were tired, faced exhaustion and felt overwhelmed?

What if the Coast Guard... from the days of the Revenue Cutter Service, to manning the Landing Craft of all theaters of WWII, to battling drug smugglers... had said they were tired, faced exhaustion and felt overwhelmed?

What if the firefighters, police officers and paramedics at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon had said they were tired, faced exhaustion and felt overwhelmed?

What if the passengers of United Flight 93 had said they were tired, faced exhaustion and felt overwhelmed?

This sorry-ass excuse for a President is only at the half-way point of his first hundred day "honeymoon period", and there's already bitching about how tired, exhausted and overwhelmed he is.

What a pitiful excuse for a human being.

A few thoughts.

This is shameful that we have allowed things to get this far... that a princessy, totalitarian pathological narcissist is able to recline in the White House, at our expense. The expense of our freedom, our hard-earned money, our American values.

This is someone who will never, ever, ever put the country ahead of himself. We are there to serve him. Let's be very clear about that.

That giant flushing sound you hear? The flushing of our history and values and all we've worked for thus far...that giant flushing sound is Obama sitting in the White House.


Blogger capper said...

S'il vous plait, but where is this post under the Bush regime.

Or is it only OK for Repubs to waste our tax dollars, our freedoms and the lives of our soldiers, just for the benefit of the few?

Please, oh, please, clarify for me.

9:20 PM, mars 11, 2009  
Blogger Beer, Bicycles and the VRWC said...

Cap, I'm laughing at you yet again. The continuing justification of this President via, "Bush did it" shows how laughably idiotic you are.

4:24 AM, mars 12, 2009  
Blogger capper said...

Deek, I'm yawning at you.

Your hypocrisy is nothing new.

7:33 AM, mars 12, 2009  
Blogger Jimi5150 said...

Cap, I got it! Your way back machine broke and you can't get back to the now!

2:14 PM, mars 12, 2009  
Blogger Beer, Bicycles and the VRWC said...

Ha! Nice talking points, Cap. Many more laughs for me.

6:11 PM, mars 12, 2009  
Blogger Kevin Whiteman said...

You asked "but where is this post under the Bush regime."

Ummm.... real simple why I didn't post this under the Bush Administration. Bush didn't bitch and moan like a 12-year old girl on her first period about how tough it is to be president.

Typical liberal attempt to totally ignore the initial question.

I'm not sure who is more of a joke, that buffoon of a president we currently have, or mindless sheep such as yourself who put that Stooge into power.

10:46 AM, mars 16, 2009  

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