You may have seen the bumper sticker that reads: "I'd travel 500 miles for the Latin Mass".
Confirmation is a sacrament that I believe I put off for many years, and my reasons aren't very well articulated. There are times when I regret not being confirmed when I was younger. But I was ready now. Maybe at the heart of it, I wished that I had been ready, sooner.
Bishop Callahan was there to do the confirmations.
I'd like to thank my sponsor, and everyone who was there today in support, and those who could not make it yet still expressed their support. This was a big step in faith and everything was just right.
One of my girlfriends said afterward, "congratulations! you're a man today!".
Which is kind of true. I chose the Confirmation name of Michael. As in "Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle". I can use the help :)