Fall Outing at McMiller's
It was a very therapeutic end to a long week. A beautiful drive through the countryside, getting lost once (darned NN), and the sound of report after report knowing that it wasn't on a city street. In attendance when I arrived were Chris and Steve, and we were joined shortly after by Neo-Con*Tastic.
A few things I learned today:
Chris is extremely knowledgeable and respectful of firearms, the safety precautions necessary, and the practical usage, of course.
Steve has the best laugh, ever. And for a quiet fella, sure can express jubilation after firing.
NeoCon smells great.
Okay so that's not really all I learned today, but it's a good place to start. Chris and I were talking as we went to the target to tape it over, and he made some really good points: most people don't know what they're talking about when they start harping on the "evils" of gun ownership. They don't know the difference between automatic and semi-automatic. Or a rifle from a hole in the ground. I wouldn't want to look down either, by the way.
It's been almost 16 years since the last time I shot a gun. At the time I'd shot a 38 and a Beretta. Hated the 38, loved the Beretta, and when I shot it, I was surprised at the results. I thought it was a fluke.
But I did rather decent today. Chris has more details about all the guns we shot, but my favorite was the 30-06. This is a powerful gun, capable of a very precise shot. However, like most of the shots I've ever done, one must also pace oneself. What surprised me was how worn out you can get by shooting a gun. By the end of the session, I was pretty tired. And I needed to eat.
The first shot I took with the 30-06 is something I'll never, ever forget. I had never used a scope before and being able to look through the crosshairs and choose a spot on the target was in a word, beautiful. My heart wasn't racing, but it was pounding. The intensity that I could focus at that moment surprised me. And uh, those things can sure hop. And as you'll see here, send a jolt or two down into your elbow. I might have to open up the old sewing machine and make a pink satin elbow cushion.
Many, many, many thanks to Chris, Steve and Neo for allowing me to try their guns, and for instructing me. It was a simply lovely affair.